Friday, December 18, 2009

Lisaraye speaks to YOU!


Emy said...

Haha! you are so awesome Lisa! it's good you did this video coz my cusin didn't believe me when she saw you tweeted!
Keep updating us with new thangs.
Emelia AKA Emyangel(Twitter)

Anonymous said...

hey doll! you are gorgeous and doing ya thing! You are truly a role model for many woman! i get my fashionista swag from you!
cant wait for the new show!
love Lekia from dallas

Anonymous said...

dear lisa my nane is westley and i'm your home boy from chicago thats right i went to marshall high school over on chicago's westsideon kedzie you have always been sexy no doubt about that but'' after your first movie hollywood had a plan to twist you and with all the repect in the world they did thati'm a unkown writer and computer techian and you know for yourself lisa hollywood will put you on a thrown and when they get tired of you they will knock you off that thrown and when the smoke clearsyou have to get up and wipe the dust off your ass and start from stratch when everyone else start to ducking and dodge you when you want to get into a new if read between the lines those are the haters so if you think about it you'll see what i'm talking about.and as far as your marrige he wantedto get into your pocket and stay in between your legs to make sure you would be happy because if you two really had that strong love you two would still be together. you have a beautiful daugther and the world knows you love her deathso take care lisa